The Business Toolkit includes

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The Business Toolkit

| Micro-Degree

skills certificate

Excel Efficiency for Financial Modeling and Data Analysis

| Skills Certificate
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Practical exercises



Make Excel work harder for you. This course will improve your efficiency with spreadsheets by teaching you essential keyboard shortcuts and financial modeling best practices. Get to grips with Excel’s built-in functions and how to manipulate data quickly and efficiently.

Excel Introduction

58 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 58

Excel Exercises 0

  • Menu and shortcut basics
  • Basic formatting
  • Basic formulas and calculations
  • More formulas and calculations
  • Naming cells and referencing

Advanced Formatting

23 video minutes

5 excel exercises

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Video minutes 23

Excel Exercises 5

  • Formatting styles
  • Conditional formatting
  • Data validation
  • Number formatting
  • Formatting codes
    • Date formatting and functions: =DATE, =DAY, = YEAR, =MONTH, =EDATE
    • Ensuring commas and decimal places line up
    • UPPER, =LOWER. And =PROPER functions
  • Concatenation

Exploring a Model

15 video minutes

4 excel exercises

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Video minutes 15

Excel Exercises 4

  • F5 tips and tricks
  • Camera tool
  • Watch window
  • Split windows
  • Circularity issues

Text and Date Functions

18 video minutes

6 excel exercises

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Video minutes 18

Excel Exercises 6

  • Text and date functions
  • Text and date best practices
  • Working with pdfs
  • DATE, YEAR, MONTH, DAY and EDATE functions
  • Date formatting


28 video minutes

7 excel exercises

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Video minutes 28

Excel Exercises 7

  • Allow assumptions and methodologies to be changed quickly in financial models using a number of different functions:
    • Choose, Offset, Index, adding the Match function
  • Data validation and form controls
  • Conditional formatting
  • Using data tables

Data Extraction

24 video minutes

8 excel exercises

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Video minutes 24

Excel Exercises 8

  • Summary tables and lookups
    • Vlookup, Hlookup, Vlookup and Match, Index and Match, Offset and Match
  • Working with multiple sheets
    • Indirect, Named ranges
  • Transposing data
    • Transpose function, Offset, Row & Column, Offset & Match, Index & Match

Sensitivity Data Tables

13 video minutes

4 excel exercises

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Video minutes 13

Excel Exercises 4

  • Using data tables
  • Data tables on different sheets to the assumptions
  • Advanced and flexible tables

Goal Seek and Solver

6 video minutes

3 excel exercises

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Video minutes 6

Excel Exercises 3

  • Uses of Goal Seek and Solver
  • Goal Seek functionality
  • Solver functionality

Database Analysis

69 video minutes

2 excel exercises

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Video minutes 69

Excel Exercises 2

  • Sorting and filtering data
  • Pivot tables
  • D functions
  • Sumif function

Excel VBA and Macros Introduction

39 video minutes

1 excel exercises

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Video minutes 39

Excel Exercises 1

  • Macro recording basics
  • Macro security
  • Running macros
  • The VBA editor
skills certificate

Word Fundamentals for Professionals

| Skills Certificate
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If you have ever manually created your own table of contents, struggled to put figures and charts in the right place or spent time updating the same document dozens of times to send out a mailer, then this course is for you.

Word- Introduction

23 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 23

Excel Exercises 0

  • Understanding the ribbon and the file tab
  • Keyboard shortcuts and customizing the quick access toolbar
  • Best practice when creating a new document
  • Navigation, editing and selecting text
    – Keyboard
    – Mouse
  •  Saving a document

Word - Formatting

27 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 27

Excel Exercises 0

  • Paragraph
    – Alignment
    – Indentation
    – Spacing
    – Adjusting a whole document
    – Bullets and numbering
    – Changing the order of a list with Alt + Shift
  • The font menu
    – Changing fonts
    – Size, color and highlights
    – Superscript and subscript
    – Change case quickly
  • Styles
    – Efficient use of styles
    – Creating a style
    – Using styles to reorder a document quickly
    – Using styles to create an automatic table of contents

Word - Inserting

27 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 27

Excel Exercises 0

  • Headers and footers
    – Page numbers
    – Text
    – Show file path for easy retrieval
    – Inserting logos
  • Using comments when collaborating
  • Complex mathematical equations
  • Images from the web and other documents
    – Resizing
    – Cropping
    – Wrapping text around images

Word - Common Tasks

31 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 31

Excel Exercises 0

  • Find (CTRL + F) and replace (CTRL + H)
  • Spell check
    – Autocorrect
  • Track changes
  • Password protection
  • Saving in Adobe Acrobat
skills certificate

PowerPoint Fundamentals for Professionals

| Skills Certificate
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This course will take you through the tools available within PowerPoint to make building slide decks simple, efficient and effective.

PowerPoint - Introduction

13 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 13

Excel Exercises 0

  • Creating a new document
  • Understanding the ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
  • Useful Keyboard shortcuts
  •  Slide layouts and the slide master
    – Standard view versus widescreen

PowerPoint - Working with Basic Shapes

22 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 22

Excel Exercises 0

  • Inserting
  • Moving and nudging shapes
  • Using guidelines
  • Resizing and rotating
  • Align and distribute
  • Send backwards, send forwards
  • Selecting multiple objects
    – Group and ungroup

PowerPoint - Working with Text

5 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 5

Excel Exercises 0

  • Formatting
  • Adjusting internal margins in shapes
  • Find and replace
  • Changing the order of text in a list
  • Shapes vs text boxes

PowerPoint - Lines and Connectors

20 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 20

Excel Exercises 0

  • Start and end styles
  • Linking objects

PowerPoint - Pictures

8 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 8

Excel Exercises 0

  • Cropping
  • Taking screenshots
    – Print screen
    – Snipping tool
  • Compressing pictures to reduce file size

PowerPoint - Charts and Tables

9 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 9

Excel Exercises 0

  • Simple PowerPoint charts
  • Pasting charts as pictures from Excel
  • Pasting dynamic charts from Excel
  • Formatting
  • Design and layout menus

PowerPoint - SmartArt Graphics

5 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 5

Excel Exercises 0

  • Lists
  • Editing
  • Converting text to SmartArt

PowerPoint - Equations and Animations

5 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 5

Excel Exercises 0

  • Building equations
  • Building complex equations
  • Animation pane controls
skills certificate

Outlook Fundamentals for Professionals

| Skills Certificate
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This course will take you right from the initial setup of your email account, including the basics of sending and receiving emails and setting up folders, through to more advanced features such as mail merge.

Outlook - Introduction

80 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 80

Excel Exercises 0

  • Setting up and linking multiple email accounts
  • Reviewing the types of data files which can be sent
  • Composing a basic email with attachments
  • Shortcuts to improve efficiency
  • Setting up an ‘Out of Office’ notification and calendar events
  • Creating and managing tasks
completion certificate icon

Communicating and Presenting Fundamentals

| Completion Certificate
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Are you ready to unlock your presentation potential? Our instructor-led online course will help you shortcut your way to success by mastering the art of communication.

Fundamentals of Presentation and Communication

22 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 22

Excel Exercises 0

  • What ‘effective communication’ means
  • The effective communication cycle
  • Using more powerful questions
  • Understanding needs at a deeper level
  • Becoming a more active listener
  • The importance of summarising
  • Planning, designing and delivering impactful, persuasive presentations
skills certificate

Fundamentals of Effective Business Writing

| Skills Certificate
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Understand how to develop your writing skills to communicate effectively with any audience and deliver high impact statements.

Developing Your Business Writing Effectiveness

8 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 8

Excel Exercises 0

  • Why business writing is important to performance and career success
  • Considering your goal and principles for making your business writing stand out
  • The 5 steps to business writing success
  • The structure for persuasive business writing
  • Using a thorough review process
  • How to grab your audience’s attention when writing emails
  • Using different influencing strategies
  • Breaking up content and avoiding jargon
  • Avoiding dilution language
skills certificate

Managing Your Brand and Career

| Skills Certificate
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Understand how to build your brand with a focused application on managing your career path.

Building Your Brand and Career

10 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 10

Excel Exercises 0

  • Understanding how to unlock your true reputation and career
  • A review of the 3 critical career success factors
  • Performance
  • Image
  • Exposure
  • Understanding what you want your brand to be
  • How to apply a ‘best version of you’ performance mindset
  • Unlocking high impact behaviours
  • Understand the steps to network strategically
  • Build long-term mutually beneficial relationships
  • Principles of reciprocity and rapport
skills certificate

Introduction to Python

| Skills Certificate
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Practical exercises



Take part in our online Introduction to Python course to start developing programming skills for financial calculations and data analysis. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the programming concepts, as well as practical experience in some of the core data analysis libraries used in Python, with a particular focus on PyCharm.

Getting Started with Python

9 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 9

Excel Exercises 0

  • What is Python and why should we use Python
  • Efficiency of Python
  • How is Python used in the finance industry
  • Different Python options available
  • Installing Python
  • Selecting a Python tool and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs

Python Basics

30 video minutes

6 excel exercises

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Video minutes 30

Excel Exercises 6

  • Building operations
  • Naming variables
  • Common data types
  • String concatenation and replication
  • Creating lists
  • Creating sets
  • Basic functions

Building Functions

17 video minutes

4 excel exercises

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Video minutes 17

Excel Exercises 4

  • IF statement
  • While loops
  • For loops
  • Building functions

Introduction to Libraries

4 video minutes

0 excel exercises

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Video minutes 4

Excel Exercises 0

  • Types of libraries
  • About NumPy
  • About Pandas
  • About Matplotlib


19 video minutes

6 excel exercises

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Video minutes 19

Excel Exercises 6

  • Installing NumPy
  • NumPy arrays
  • Examples of vectors and matrices
  • Creating a NumPy array from a list
  • Creating NumPy array using built-in Functions
  • Creating an array of random numbers using NumPy
  • NumPy finance functions


28 video minutes

9 excel exercises

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Video minutes 28

Excel Exercises 9

  • What is Pandas and why use it
  • Capabilities of Pandas
  • Object creation
  • Creating DataFrames in Pandas
  • Pandas DataFrame syntax
  • Indexing data from DataFrame
  • Importing data into Python
  • Importing DataFrame operations


25 video minutes

10 excel exercises

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Video minutes 25

Excel Exercises 10

  • Learn about Matplotlib
  • Link between Matplotlib and Pyplot
  • Intro to Pyplot
  • Plotting with keyword strings
  • Creating plots
  • Plotting different data types
  • Limits, legends and layouts

Dates and Times

17 video minutes

9 excel exercises

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Video minutes 17

Excel Exercises 9

  • Calendar
  • Dates
  • Formatting
  • Time Deltas

Skills & Learning Objectives in The Business Toolkit Micro-Degree

Recognized by industry experts

Colin Evans

Managing Director at J.P. Morgan

Colin Evans is a Managing Director at J.P Morgan and leads the financial institutions coverage team globally for the Corporate Banking.

Dr. Bridget Lyons

Professor of Finance

Professor of Finance at the Jack Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University and Associate Instructor.

Chris Bishko


CFO with over 25 years experience as an operator, investor and investment banker in technology and financial services.

Level image

Wall Street Recognized Certification

Established on Wall Street, Financial Edge has taught at the biggest bulge-bracket firms since 2016, and now we offer that very same training online for you. It’s no secret that banking is fiercely competitive, which is why our Wall Street recognized certification is designed to let your employers know you have the skills to succeed.

This course is officially CPD certified

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) keeps a record of your increasing skills, knowledge and experience throughout your career, which now includes select Financial Edge certifications.

Complete a Micro‑degree to join our exclusive alumni

Sit beside the world’s best investment bankers on LinkedIn, and take advantage of exclusive must-have benefits for new and experienced analysts.

What Our Students Say

The Business Toolkit Micro-Degree is included in your Felix Plan


Get full access to all our certified courses and instructor support.

Includes full access to all certified courses.

£269.440% off
Billed annually.
Get Started
Boost includes:
  • 184+ hours of instructor-led learning
  • Search across 350+ playlists, 3000+ videos and Q&As
  • Role-focused pathways
  • Expert instructor support


Gain additional access the full suite of data and analytics tools used by Wall Street analysts.

Full Felix access including all learning content and data features.

£419.440% off
Billed annually.
Get Started
Pro includes:
  • Everything in the Boost plan
  • Streamlined company data
  • Current and historic filings for over 7000 companies
  • Market and industry data
  • Ready-to-use sector and transaction models

Compare plans

Boost Pro
Completion certificates 38 38
Skills certificates 51 51
Micro-degrees 12 12
Searchable library of 350+ playlists, 3000+ videos and Q&As
10 role-based learning pathways, including Investment Banking, Equity Research, Sales and Trading and more
Expert instructor support
Practical exercises to work alongside videos and quick quizzes to test your understanding
Weekly live webinars
Streamlined company data (WACC. & EV bridge calculator, custom comparables)
Current and historic filings for over 4,000 US firms
Current and historic filings for over 7,000 firms globally
Link to, label and share data points in filings (limited to 10 for Free and Boost users, unlimited for Pro)
Regional and industry data sets
Ready-to-use sector and transaction models
Boost £449 £269.4 Billed annually Get Started
Pro £699 £419.4 Billed annually Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

What tech do I need?

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Access your course across desktop, laptop, tablet or phone; either via our web portal or the dedicated mobile app. While we have optimized our video quality and size, we recommend a broadband connection to enable uninterrupted video playback. A PDF reader and spreadsheet application are required to open the supporting resources.

Is it right for me?

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Our online courses reflect the training new analysts receive at the leading financial organizations. They're challenging, but if you want to demonstrate you are as good as the best in the industry then this is the course for you. The top investment banks will recognize our micro-degree certifications, making them perfect for graduates looking to land a job or a professional preparing for a new role.

Are Financial Edge's courses credible?

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The leading investment banks, as rated by the FT, hire us to train their incoming analysts. If you are looking to join the best analysts in the world, why not challenge yourself with the same content and certification with the same Wall Street instructors ready to answer your questions.

Will the Business Toolkit help me get a job?

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Absolutely. Develop practical skills you can use to impress at interviews, whether you’re looking to break into finance or change roles.

How long do I have to complete the Business Toolkit ?

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Everyone works at their own pace so there's no restrictions, all you need is an active Felix plan for the course you are completing. All Felix plans renew annually.

Are there any hidden costs?

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No. Everything you need is included, from instructor-led videos and Excel exercises to the exams.

What is CPD?

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All of our online courses are CPD accredited. CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and makes demonstrating your commitment to learning easy. Your institution or accrediting body may track CDP points through activities, units or hours. Check with the relevant party to find out how you should be monitoring your progress.

What support will I get along the way?

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Our expert instructors are standing by to answer questions and help you develop a detailed understanding of finance complexities. Our technical support team are also ready to help with any system problems.

Start earning your Business Toolkit Micro‑degree certificate today.