Alastair Matchett

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Founder & Instructor

Alastair has over 22 years of experience teaching on Wall Street and beyond. He began his career at J.P. Morgan in mergers and acquisitions, covering financial institutions and oil and gas, before moving to the private equity firm 3i. Alastair then left to begin instructing and set up AMT Training in 1997. At the start of 2016, he founded Financial Edge Training and has since been delivering programs at 7 of the top 10 investment banks.


Public Classroom Participant

The Modeler Open Classroom

Alastair was great! Best financial services instructor I have had. Very enthusiastic and knowledgeable .

Corporate clients

Associate from One of the Top 4 Investment Banks

Associate Training

Alastair was very engaging and enthusiastic, perfect for having class online.

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Get to Know Alastair

Watch the video to find out more about Financial Edge’s founder, Alastair. He let’s us in on his teaching style, instructing achievements, and top two favorite finance topics!


Free Finance Resources


Expected Returns

24 Jul 2024

The expected return on an investment is the anticipated profit or loss over a specific period. It is expressed as a percentage of the initial investment and considers the appreciation (or depreciation) of assets and capital as well as any income received during the period, such as dividends or interest. Expected returns are usually calculated using historical performance data, which may not provide reliable forecast, and therefore should only be considered as guidance for probable future outcomes rather than as guaranteed returns. In addition, actual returns can also be influenced by market volatility, economic changes, sector or industry trends, and/or company-specific issues (also called idiosyncratic risk).


A Day in the Life of an Investment Research Analyst

24 Jul 2024

The core responsibility of an investment research analyst is to provide investment recommendations to portfolio managers (this type of role is referred as “buy-side”) or third-party clients such as individual investors (“sell-side”). This includes both generating new ideas and monitoring the existing holdings in the portfolio. Analysts evaluate financial, market, and economic data along with various qualitative aspects such as the quality of management and the competitive edge of the product/service that the company offers


Top Professional Finance Certifications 2024

17 Jul 2024

In the world of finance, professional certifications are powerful tools that allow professionals to enhance their profiles and increase both employability and earning potential.

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